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Tito Alofe Achieves Remarkable Feat as Georgia PAGE STAR Student

Tito Alofe Achieves Remarkable Feat as Georgia PAGE STAR Student

by | May 17, 2023

Tito Alofe, a Starr’s Mill High School senior in Fayette County, has been named the 2023 Georgia PAGE STAR Student following his recognition as a Fayette County STAR Student. It is a tremendous honor and a testament to his hard work and dedication. Alofe chose John Campbell, a teacher at Starr’s Mill, as his STAR teacher, recognizing his inspiring and impactful contributions to his education. As the State PAGE Teacher Achievement Recognition Student, Alofe wins a $5,000 scholarship from PAGE. At the same time, Campbell receives a $2,500 cash award from the Frances Wood Wilson Foundation. It is terrific news for the school and the community. We couldn’t be more proud of Alofe and Campbell for their outstanding achievements. Congratulations to them both!

The Georgia PAGE STAR program has again recognized the best and brightest high school students and teachers nationwide. Among these standout individuals is Michelle Li, a North Oconee High School senior in Oconee County. Recently named the runner-up Georgia PAGE STAR student, Li has demonstrated exceptional academic success and leadership skills. He is one of 1,200 students and teachers honored in this year’s program, highlighting our state’s future leaders’ hard work, dedication, and talent. We are proud to have such outstanding individuals representing Georgia’s educational landscape.

The journey to find the state’s PAGE STAR student has begun! With the naming of local STAR students from participating public and independent high schools across the state earlier this school year, the search is well underway. It’s heartening to see such a talented pool of students being recognized for their outstanding achievements. However, it’s not just about the students; it’s also about the teachers who played a significant role in their success. The STAR Teacher recognition adds another layer of pride to this awards program, highlighting educators’ importance in shaping their students’ lives.
We look forward to seeing who will be named the State PAGE STAR Student and Teacher later this year!

The STAR nomination is a prestigious honor awarded to high school seniors who have excelled academically and performed exceptionally well on the SAT. To achieve this recognition, these students must have obtained the highest score on any single test date and be ranked in the top 10 percent or top 10 students of their graduating class based on their grade point average. This year’s nominees have gone above and beyond. Their SAT scores must meet or exceed the 2023 national average on the test’s evidence-based reading, writing, and math sections. We recognize these outstanding students with great pride for their dedication and commitment to their education.

The PAGE STAR program annually recognizes Georgia’s best and brightest students and teachers. The excitement and pride in acknowledging these outstanding individuals are palpable. Page Executive Director Craig Harper couldn’t be more proud. As a major sponsor and administrator for the program, PAGE ensures that the achievements of these exceptional students and teachers at regional events are celebrated and, ultimately, at the state event. With partners like the PAGE Foundation, the Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, and the Mozelle Christian Endowment, the 2023 State PAGE STAR Awards are set to be a truly monumental occasion. It’s an honor for these organizations to unite for a common purpose: honoring the remarkable accomplishments of Georgia’s talented students and teachers.

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